Trust, Security, Convenience, Constraints, Users DANA ApplicationAbstract
The aim of this research is to analyze the factors that influence trust of DANA application user in carrying out digital transactions. There are three exogenous latent variables chosen, namely user security, user convenience, and user constraints. One endogenous variable is user trust. The sample for this research was students from the Faculty of Economic and Business, Mulawarman University who were included in the generation z category with a total of 100 respondents. Data was collected through a questionnaire using a purpose sampling technique with the criteria that the respondent was a DANA application user. Then the collected data was analyzed using SmartPLS 4. The results of this research show that user security and user convenience have a significant positive effect on user trust each P values of 0.000 and 0.001 respectively. Meanwhile, the user constraints variabel has no effect on user trust because the P value is 0.536 with t statistics < 1.96 and the f-square value is 0.004. The results of the analysis also show that user security is the variable that has the greatest influence on user trust, that is 53.3%.
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